Day 22 - Friday Oct 31
Today was a day of rest and relaxation. Stephanie had to work and then had prior evening plans so Swil Kanim and I relaxed at home in the RV. I decided to work on making some cute baby booties only to discover that I left all of my crochet hooks at my daughter Chrisi's house.
I did manage to find a stray hook but it was much smaller than the pattern called for.
I was really in the mood to crochet so I decided I would use the smaller hook and just adjust the size of the pattern. Within 2 hours I finished both booties!! I was quite proud of the finished product and now I am anxious to make another pair in a different color.
Swil Kanim spent most of the day in a blissful state. He is still in disbelief of seeing his daughter. I think he is a little overwhelmed. I am so very happy for him!
Day 23 - Saturday Nov 1
We got some grocery shopping done and then met with Stephanie at the jewelry store she works at. Her Aunt Cassie works there also so Swil Kanim was anxious to re-connect with her also.
We then went to eat at Applebee's and enjoyed another dinner together. It is so wonderful to hear Swil Kanim and Stephanie talk about the things they remember about each other. I have heard the stories from Swil Kanim before but to hear him tell them to Stephanie gave them a whole new meaning and a whole new life.
We later decided to catch a movie and decided on "The Changling" starring Angelina Jolie.
Cassie met up with us a the theater and boy were we in for a shocker with this movie.
It is an outstanding movie but the previews that we had seen about the movie did not prepare us for what the movie was about. I wont give it away, it was a true story and quite disturbing, but I have to say it is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time.
After the movie and much discussion of how incredible the movie was, we all called it a night and Stephanie took us back to the RV. We plan on meeting up with her tomorrow to go see her mom.
It sure is going to be hard to leave on Monday. It just seems like far too short of time.