Day 35 and 36 - Thurs and Fri
It has been a long two days. Thursday was the worst of the trip. Going through Wyoming was nail biting. The winds were blowing at up to 75 mph! Swil Kanim said that driving the RV through that wind was like trying to drive a styrofoam cup. We started out really early on Thursday (at 6:30am) in the hopes of getting a lot more miles in. About a half hour into the trip the winds were gusting unbelievably hard. We came upon a truck that had just been blown over by the wind. Another truck had stopped to help and we attempted to do the same but it was blowing way to hard. We kept trekking on and within another 5 minutes we came upon another truck that had blown over! It was unbelievable! We kept going at a pace of about 40mph and after about an hour and a half we made it to a truck stop and pulled over to rest our nerves and eat. We talked to some truckers and some said we should just keep going. As long as we go slow we should be okay. So we continued on at a turtles pace and blowing all over the road. It was quite a LOOOOOONG drive! We finally made it out of Wyoming and into Utah. It was still windy in Utah but not as extreme as Wyoming.
We got as far as we could and finally got too tired to continue so we found an RV spot and got some rest.
We headed out this morning with great weather and NO WIND! So we got to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Utah. I have to say that it has been one of my favorite states to drive through. I love the texture of the landscape. Nevada was not too spectacular scenery wise but we enjoyed the nice weather. After finally getting into California it seemed like it took forever to get through Sacramento. There was a lot of traffic and congestion everywhere. To me it felt like the longest part of trip was getting from Sacramento to San Francisco. Then we had to drive through San Francisco to get to the RV park and of course traffic was at a stand still.
I was so ready to get parked and just relax.
I was so ready to get parked and just relax.
Tomorrow we will be picking up Gene at the airport and attending the reception for all the actors, producers, directors and performers. Then Swil Kanim and Gene will head to the sound check and then the awards show. It will be interesting to see what those two will come up with for their performance.
That's it for now.... my brain is tired!