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Home Sweet Home!

Home Sweet Home!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Swil Kanim stopped by on his way to Carnation. He took Chrisi and I to lunch. Chrisi and I wanted to go to Zoopa's and Swil Kanim had never been there. I think he was a little dissappointed as there was not much there for meat lovers!! But we had a good time but a short visit. He had to get to Carnation for his 8 o'clock performance. He looked really tired and I knew he wanted to get to Carnation early so that he could rest before his show. I know he really would have liked to go with Chrisi and I took pick out a baby crib, but he also knew he had to drive and prepare mentally for he performed.
He is such a good man. I am so Blessed to be a part of his life. I am thankful for his sweet spirit.

After Swil Kanim left, Chrisi and I went to Wal-Mart....BIG mistake. The minute we walked thru the doors we felt anxious and claustrophobic. It was loud, and I am not refering to music playing....it was PEOPLE. There were people everywhere and in every aisle. It seemed like Christmas holiday shopping frenzy. We instantly felt overwhelmed and irritated. So, we made a dash to the baby section to look at there baby cribs. We couldnt get through the aisles. It seemed like every where we went there was someone standing right in front of what we wanted to look at. Our frustration levels peeked and we got the heck out of there.
We then headed to Target. We walked through the doors and there was a peaceful calm.
The whole feel of the place was extremely different than our Wal-mart experience. We spent about an hour in Target and had a much better shopping experience and bought a few little items for Chrisi.
Still no Baby crib.....still looking!

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Lori and Swil Kanim